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The Good Samaritan Kinder School is located in Bacolod on the island of Negros. It is a school for the poorest children of the Philippines and it's aim is to provide food, water, education and health check ups. It began as a small school in 2004 but numbers have been growing and growing. Now there are 80 kids come in the morning and another 80 kids come in the afternoon. Other kinder schools in the Phillipines provide babysitting and play but here the children receive an education as well as having a really good time. 

In the Philippines the schooling system is quite different from ours in Australia. The children  take a test to get into primary school . If they do not pass that test they do not have schooling for the remainder of their lives. Last year the Kinder School celebrated their first child going to university-  a really exciting event for them. Most 3 year olds at the Kinder school can count to 100, and have a real thirst for learning. 

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